Category: News

  1. Does this sound tempting?

    Does this sound a tempting place for a weekend?

    There are 14 acres of land including gardens, playing field, volley ball court, a small adventure play trail and tree house, woods, meadows, animal paddocks and a camp fire circle and BBQ, willow labyrinth. The grounds are full of wildlife, and a variety of habitats.

    The grounds cover several acres that include mature and newly planted woodland, hay and wild flower meadows, and gardens. . .

    This describes the grounds at Ringsfield Hall – the venue for our residential weekend in January 2014,

    The discount for early booking is available until November 1st – don’t miss it!

  2. 10/10 …

    We are all familiar with marking children’s work – the tables were turned the other day when we were marked out of 10!

    Here are some comments about our style of presentation from the staff group we worked with:

    “10/10 – clear and very progressive in approach.”

    “Engaging presentation and range of activities, clear and to the point.”

    “It was concise and easy to follow. It was very informative and practical.”


  3. Book your place!

    Here’s an early opportunity to book your place on our exciting weekend residential training exploring philosophy for children in depth.

    Have a look at our training page  for times, costs etc – here’s the link if you want to send it on to a friend

    This will be a wonderful chance to immerse yourself in philosophy as well as to relax in the wonderful house and surroundings of Ringsfield Hall, Suffolk – have a look

  4. Passionate about philosophy

    We are both passionate about philosophy for children!

    It is this passion, which comes from our first hand experience of using p4c for many years in school, that takes us all over the country delivering training and demonstration lessons. Our enthusiasm clearly comes through in our training as these two comments from a school in Middlesbrough show:

    “A lovely presentation style from two people who are clearly very passionate about p4c and about educating children.”

    “Super knowledge and clear passion for the topic.”

  5. New horizons

    Barbara and I had an enjoyable visit to Ringsfield Hall in Suffolk recently.  We were scouting for a possible venue to use for a residential weekend for philosophy4children. It is the perfect venue with lots of rooms and beautiful gardens in which to reflect and wonder. Look here and see for yourself. I can imagine the roaring log fires burning in the grate all ready. Watch this space to see when the dream becomes a reality.

  6. What is the point?

    “What is the point of doing philosophy in primary schools?” We sometimes encounter this is the sort of question from teachers under pressure from the demands of delivering the curriculum in school.

    In our opinion the point is to enable children to explore and deepen their thinking, to be exposed to others’ ideas, to gain confidence and become independent thinkers. Done well, philosophy teaches children skills for life and learning: an ability to question beyond the obvious; to disagree respectfully giving considered reasons. This impacts on all areas of the curriculum.

    We need to give our children the chance to think for themselves; to make decisions; to form reasoned arguments; to listen to others and to change their minds. The best place to start this process is in philosophical enquiry.

    “I gained an enormous insight into the way in which children think” was a comment from one teacher after watching a demonstration lesson – and these two comments followed staff training:

    “Allows for deeper thinking and reflection for all. Develops a culture of no right/wrong way and respecting other’s opinions.”

    “Reminds us what is important to develop in our children.”



  7. Spot on!

    “Spot on! Clear and well presented. The enquiry was useful, taking part rather than just hearing about what it was like.  Excellent. Thank you.”

    This was one of the comments from our session today in a North Norfolk junior school. A couple of years ago we had worked with teachers in the infant school and philosophy is now well established in the early years, it’s exciting to think that from now on, in this school, children will be enquiring throughout their primary schooling.

    A final word from another participant “Excellent. Good, quality teaching. Full of inspirational topics for discussion. Fabulous!”

  8. Close to home

    Spring finally feels as if it has arrived and the term started for us with a visit to a cluster of Norfolk schools – all wanting to introduce philosophy into their classrooms. We were made to feel very welcome at the host school and, during the training, had lots of animated discussion and a very interesting philosophical enquiry exploring the nature of happiness and satisfaction.

    Our work takes us all over the country, however our next training session is in another Norfolk school – what a luxury to be able to work so close to home!


  9. So are we!

    We believe that philosophy has the most impact when it is taken seriously throughout the school – involving children, teaching staff, parents and governors. Then it becomes the bed rock of the whole school and has an impact on learning, behaviour and school ethos. So it was great on a recent training session that one of the school governors was there getting fully involved.
    The headteacher sent us this message after the training:
    “My governor raved about you both and said that we must have money in the future to have such amazing training to continue. I am very pleased he came along.”
    So are we!
  10. Extended training

    We have just completed training in a Norfolk school which has spread over a five month period. Our first visit was in November when we looked at pre philosophy skills and warm up games with the staff. In the new year we returned, by this time there had been time for teachers to work on these skills and games and they were itching to experience a philosophy session which was the main body of our second session with them. Today was our third training day and it was fascinating to hear how their p4c enquiries had been going. Our focus for this third session was improving questioning and the roll of the facilitator. This extended training worked well as these comments show!

    “I like how it was broken down and we looked at each aspect in detail. We re-visited areas which we wanted more work on. Great ideas/ resources / ways to learn. Each session built on the last which was great. We consolidated our learning.”

    “It was friendly, informative and enlightening. It covered the whole school’s needs from, Foundation Stage to Key Stage 2. Methods explained and embroidered on well – lovely to share ideas with staff and the presenters.”