Wise words

This thank you note was received from the head teacher of a school we’ve just worked with:
“Thank you for your and for delivering such a good day’s training. The feedback from staff has been most positive and it has certainly got staff trying out some of the concepts you demonstrated.”
A new year, a new term and new training days!
Working with a school near Reading with an enthusiastic staff group of 46 got the school year off to a good start “Incredibly thought provoking…”.
“Calm, engaging, thoughtfully composed.”
For some Philosophy for Children was entirely new whereas for other staff it gave them tools to add to their existing way of teaching; “Interesting because it linked so many of the methods I use in History and PHSE and gave me some more ideas and how to develop them…”
“I would like to take this much further”
It was lovely to spend a training session in a very small rural school working with an enthusiastic group of staff. One of the special things about small schools is that everyone gets involved – so the training included teachers, TAs, lunchtime supervisors, governors and the vicar – a real school community. Here’s some feedback:
Presentation Fantastic, clear and structured so that the adults learnt how to run sessions.
Content Brilliant! Really good demonstrations of how this is applied and how to gear it towards the children.
Was the session useful? Absolutely. Clear demonstrations of useful tasks, further discussions… Useful for school, at home, as a parent and in everyday life.
Thankfully the snows cleared last week and we were able to travel to Barry and deliver p4c training to a very enthusiastic group of teachers from two schools… we had this feedback, seems everyone is loving it!
“Thank you so much for a wonderful day last Monday.
I’m thrilled to say, lots of staff have trialed the lessons last week and we have had a hugely positive response!”
It’s often difficult, as a teacher, to join a school where p4c is being used without having experience of it yourself. We were joined in Wales on Monday by several teachers for whom this is the case… they found the training really helpful:
Was the session useful? “Very, will implement it now with a good understanding. P4C is already used however I always feel that due to no training that I am not doing it correctly. Much more confident now! Thanks.”
“The two leaders are knowledgeable and experienced and gave real life examples. The course had theory and practical that consolidated the process. A very useful session that gave real life examples of how it all works.”
In spite of a very cold night in a Welsh hotel where the boiler had broken so there was no central heating, we had a fantastic time the next day working with a staff group who use Mantle of the Expert with children throughout the school. We used Mantle in our South Norfolk school, so it was exciting to be in a school so enthused by this method.
We spent a full day delivering philosophy for children training and the staff took to it so easily.
“Perfect. Just enough information to stay focused. Enjoyed that we actually did the warm up activities and the enquiry.”
“Very helpful, very informative and relevant to our school ethos and structure.”
“Clear and informative, lots of opportunities for questions and discussion. Easy to see how it will compliment Mantle.”
This from The Guardian today:
Great to see philosophy in the secondary schools… even better to start in the primary years!
Please contact us for details of training up to 50 staff members in your school info@philosophy4children.co.uk
Great to hear Bringing up Britain today on Radio 4 discussing the importance and role of Critical Thinking and Philosophical Enquiry in schools.
This is a lovely quote from Nicky Cox on the programme: “Children are 27% of the world’s people, but 100% of the future”
So true… more of this please!!
If you missed it click here for the link
This week is International Brain Awareness week… there are lots of fascinating lectures and events around the country. Here are a few of the lecture titles that we think children would love to discuss in a p4c session!
What makes the human brain different?
Are animals creative thinkers?
Why can’t we tickle ourselves?
Let’s think about thinking!