Archive: Sep 2011

  1. A first for Philosophy4Children

    We were thrilled and delighted to be invited to write an article about philosophy for children in the new magazine Primary Teacher Update! Now the article is in print and in the very first edition of the magazine! If you want to have a look go to

    This is a very new magazine that celebrates the very best in Primary Classroom Practice! We think that it is worth the £3.99 asking price. You can read about how to tackle head lice to helping parents to help their children at home to philosophy in the classroom and much much more……

  2. I wasn’t sure … I am now!

    “I was not sure about the “wee” ones (year 3) being capable of embracing philosophy, but I am now!” This was one of the comments from a teacher following an INSET day in North Norfolk last week.

    It is always exciting to see Philosophy4Children embraced with enthusiasm. This was certainly the case when we worked with staff at Beeston Hall School. Our training is experiential and gives everyone a chance to take part in a philosophical enquiry – to experience what the children will experience, what better way to learn!

    Here are a few other comments following the session:

    “It allows for deeper thinking and reflection for all…”

    “I can see how it helps to develop a culture of no right / wrong way and of respecting others’ opinions”

    “It helped me to think more widely and I could see how it would help the children too. Not too much to listen to and plenty of time for input and thinking.”

    It was a pleasure to work with such an enthusiastic group of teachers. I’m sure children at Beeston Hall will have an exciting time with philosophy over the years to come!

  3. Philosophy rules the waves!

    Barbara and I enjoyed a stimulating session at Beeston Hall School on Tuesday. Everyone took part with enthusiasm – even the “games” we had constructed to make everyone think! The feed-back was really positive. Watch this space for more about this very enjoyable morning spent next to the North Sea at West Runton with this inspiring team of educators!

  4. Where has Philosophy4Children been during the summer?

    It seems some time since we blogged. However, things have not stood still for Philosophy4Children. Our flight to Holland is booked and we will be off to work in Hilversum at the tDIS Teachers’ Conference in September. We are taking a somewhat circuitous route via Einhoven. More to follow….