Archive: 2016

  1. Impacting on the whole school culture…

    Here’s an extract from a lovely email from the head teacher who hosted, and was inspired by, the training event on Monday:

    I just wanted to say a big thank you from the staff at The Hills. My staff really enjoyed the session you delivered on Monday and are already planning and scheming how to build things into the curriculum. We had a fantastic professional discussion in the afternoon which has led to some innovative thinking from teaching staff – hopefully this will impact on the whole school culture.

  2. Kick starting philosophy

    Three schools brought together nearly 50 staff members for an Inset training day on Monday to kick start philosophy in the classroom.

    With a large group we start the day with everyone working together which can get noisy at times! Later we break into smaller groups for practical work. Here is what one headteacher commented:
    “Fantastic, spot on. Excellent activities. Fantastic, will certainly be incorporating into whole school.”

    Other teachers commented: “Totally appropriate and really showed us how we could use philosophy in the classroom. Very useful. I am looking forward to seeing P4C in my school.”

    “Very informative, excellent ideas given. A safe learning environment, great warm up ideas for the session and eye opener to how this can be used in the classroom…”

  3. Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year! We started 2016 in a primary school in Woodford Green. A lively group of forty staff from several different schools in the area led to a very interesting day. In the morning we looked at the skills children need to develop for effective philosophical enquiry, the role of warm up games and the format for an enquiry. In the afternoon the time was divided between looking at stimuli, developing a thinking class environment and ways of using mini philosophy enquiries.

    ” Excellent, engaging, interesting.”

    “Informative, clearly presented … lots of opportunities to ask questions.”

    ” Thorough and very accessible.”