Philosophy4Children travelled to Dudley, just outside Birmingham last week. The twilight session with staff from 3 local primary schools finished with a philosophical enquiry. I was asked by one of the teachers “Our thinking has gone really deep with this – what will the children get from philosophy?” The answer came the following morning when we worked with Year 2 and Year 6 to deliver demonstration lessons. The children were stunning, their thinking was just as deep and they explored (amonst other things) the meaning of love and the existence of God, they were much more able to think “outside the box” and were extremely keen to explore ideas and challenge each other. Here is some of the feedback we got “the session with the children was of particular interest as they were clearly more relaxed than the adults.” ” An extremely useful session. Good to see how children can develop, think and speak when given the chance… I expect it to aid me in my attitude towards the children as well as helping them. Of course I’ll use it.”