Feedback from the event was very positive. Here are some comments from the evaluation forms:
Was the session useful?
“”Yes. It made me realise how little time is given to our children to discuss and question each others points of view.”
“Yes, very useful to intoduce myself to Philosophy4Children and be confident in doing within the school.”
“Very useful – great balance of theory / practice / practise .”
Have you learned enough to be able to run a philosophy session at school?
“Yes, and can’t wait to learn more”
“Yes, Dot and Barbara made it very clear”
“Certainly. I am sure it will develop with practise”
Do you think you will use philosophy?
“Definitely – it was inspiring. I can see how my school would benefit from philosophy sessions to develop an enthusiasm for learning”
“Yes. I will expect whole school to develop or at least try a philosophy session once I have cascaded info to them.”