At the Norfolk Association For Primary Head Teachers (NAFPHT) Spring Conference there was a real buzz from the impact of the keynote speech by Alison Peacock, head teacher at Wroxham School, Hertfordshire. She led her school from Special Measures to Outstanding in three years – from one in which the children were described as “unteachable” to one in which children found learning irresistible. As one boy said, “Nobody can stop you from learning”. Her message came over loud and clear: “If we think nothing can change then we shouldn’t be teachers. Every child, and teacher, should have the capacity to surprise us.” Her belief that no child should be labelled gifted, talented or special needs has created a culture where all feel that they have the capacity to be transformed and the sky is the limit. All who attended were ignited with the desire to do some of the same – with real enthusiasm! Philosophy4Children is a way in which this transformation can begin. We believe that in transforming schools children can be transformed. We have seen children change from passive onlookers to active participants, with a genuine desire and enthusiasm for their work and with a real hunger for learning!